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Posted by kiwi-outback 15 years ago.

Can you buy a car in Australia if you only have a NZ driver's licence?

A friend in Australia told us you couldn't buy a car there unless you had a Australian driver's licence!

5 replies, the latest on 16 March 2021.
Reply from jessie 15 years ago.

My daughter just moved to aussie and bought a car a week after she got there, no problems with doing so on her NZ drivers liscence

Reply from zahn 10 years ago.

Did your daughter buy with cash, or with finance through a car dealer?

Reply from queensland-kiwi 10 years ago.

You'll find it almost impossible to get finance or take out a loan if you have no credit history.

Reply from chero-lee 3 years ago.

I'm moving to aus this weekend and would like to buy a car when I get there. Cash of course. Can I put the car in my name with just a New Zealand license?

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