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Posted by glen 10 years ago.

Can someone in Melbourne assist me with the price differences Auckland vs Melbourne?

Hi Im moving from Auckland to Melbourne and trying to work out my outgoings per week monthly bills x2 adults x1 child

power/gas currently $220 per month

telephone/internet $99.95 per month

water $90.00 quartly

current petrol price per litre as we are now paying $2.17 sheesh

and can you suggest good providers thanks

2 replies, the latest on 24 November 2014.
Reply from guddymate 9 years ago.

I live in Melbourne 2 adults and 3 children. Power/gas pays to split between gas and electric companies about $100 for 3 months with AGL. Electricity about $200 for 3 months with powerdirect. It's hard to find the best one but most of them are misleading saying they can give you so much % off but they lie.

phone/internet I use "iinet" 100gig of data, a sim card which hasnt run out on me yet with about 30mb of data, and homephone unlimited local calls for about $100 a month

petrol well $1.27 at the moment

Reply from guddymate 9 years ago.

Water is about 120 for about 3 months, but seem to get bills randomly,which you cant really do much about.

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