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Posted by anonymous 16 years ago.

Can my mother join me in Australia? She is a NZ permanent resident.

I'm thinking of joining my NZ partner in Aussie - he is working in the mines. I would like to move so my 18-month-old daughter can be closer to her dad. I am a NZ citizen but my mother is South African with NZ residency status. Can she join me over in Australia and what visas etc do I need to apply for to get her over there?

1 reply on 22 September 2008.
Reply from mayflower 16 years ago.

Hi, If she has residency, she should be able to get a Special Category Visa. If you google the immigration website (i think it's or check the website for the Australian Consulate in NZ it will be able to clarify it for you. SCV (Special Category Visa) is granted at customs on arrival in australia. It's a formality (so you don't have to go through the rigorous process usually involved with Visas), but there are restrictions (i.e. criminal records, etc). Best to check with the consulate.

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