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Posted by cristina 14 years ago.

Can I study in Australia with the subclass 461 visa?

I have been granted the 461 visa in Australia. It says in my visa I can live, work and study in Australia.

Am I eligible to study with similar benefits as New Zealand citizen? I want to take short courses in Australia. Do my fees get subsidised by the Australian government on the 461 visa?

3 replies, the latest on 12 April 2016.
Reply from bala 14 years ago.

eager to know aswell

Reply from graciesdeska 14 years ago.

Unfortunately student allowances aren't available to anyone without a permanent residence visa or Australian citizenship. You will only be paying Australian domestic fees though, as a NZ citizen.

Reply from shona 9 years ago.

Hi, I just want to double check I am on subclass 461 visa and I want to upgrade my qualifications in Queensland. Do I have to pay domestic fees or international? Thanks.

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