None (yet)
Posted by flickchick 15 years ago.

Can I get into Australia with a repeat criminal record? How long do I have to be clean for?

I have a repeating drink and driving record plus have been imprisoned for 6 months. I also have a repeating marijuana record but it's been 4 years since my last offence. Do I have any chance of getting into Australia? I am also doing PD for unpaid fines, does anyone know if I can go on holiday? Don't laugh it's worth asking...

4 replies, the latest on 06 September 2012.
Reply from 1st-degree-burns 15 years ago.

I believe that you won't be able to, the best thing to do would be to contact the Australia Consulate office and ask them, they will be able to give you the exact answer.

Reply from jayd 14 years ago.

if you havnt been sentenced to 12 months or more jail you should be sweet

Reply from giza-break 13 years ago.

im currently serving a sentence of home detention an have a violent offending past,i am able to go straight into employment once in australia and i have completed extensive counselling and participated in a variety of programmes to address the reasons behind my offending, will these factors have any credibility?

Reply from xeon 12 years ago.

advice to all you people, if you cant handle your drink, dont drink. leave it to the adults. Drunk Driving seems to be a major problem in NZ.

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