None (yet)
Posted by fm-the-bop 17 years ago.

Can anyone recommend some nice suburbs on the Gold Coast for families?

Hi, My eldest son and I are moving to the Gold Coast in October to look for work. I'd like to know what some nice areas are so that we can get set up in the right place before the rest of the family arrive in the New Year.

We are certainly open to suggestions as we're not committed to anything as yet. We did look at Brisbane but were advised that the Gold Coast was a nice area for families.

7 replies, the latest on 04 November 2012.
Reply from kiwi13 17 years ago.

I wouldnt suggest anywhere up north past broadbeach. I think for a family somewhere around mermaid waters around the canals is peaceful and tidy, also robina is nice, it is fairly new, great shopping centres and clean and tidy. If you want something on the beachside i woud suggest around miami or burleigh. Hope this helps you!!!!!!!Good Luck

Reply from dee4num 16 years ago.

well i live in broadbeach waters much more peaceful and my daughter is starting school at broadbeach state next year as she will be 5 they are very helpful and informed me there is a tissues and tea morning after dropping them off to comfort parents and they do alot of preparation for them

Reply from nzjono 16 years ago.

Robinna is good value and not too bad. Its lcose to a huge mega mall (if thats you thing). Avoid central Surfers Paradise. Broadbeach is fantastic and rigth on the beach (Robinna is a bit far), though accomodation will be shared rental units. Chevron Island is popular for people who work in Surfers as you can walk to work. It all depends where he will work. Parking in Surfers is expensive ($100 per month) and hard to find. You may have to sign a 6 month rental contract if he isnt going into a shared unit and make sure to bring references from NZ.

Robina or Miami might be your best beat for price and family friendliess.

Have a look

Reply from nzjono 16 years ago.

Just stumbled on this website, its very handy if your thinking of moving to the Gold Coast.

Reply from ellwook 13 years ago.

Some of the best suburbs are north of Broadbeach - I wonder where some people are coming from! What do you want? beaches, apartments, house, community,rural, gated?

Reply from bp 12 years ago.

Everyone will have a different take on this and it depends on what you call 'nice' . If a good school is important you could check out for some useful info

Reply from jaznz 12 years ago.

Hi again.

I had my heart set on moving to Southport just for the fact it is quite large for GC and has Hospitals, Schools, and large commercial areas. Now I hear it is a Crime Dive and I should avoid it like the plague. EEK! I am moving in Jan13 with my 2 daughters (9 & 12) Where would you suggest we move? I am flexible for now, but once my 12 yo is enrolled at College I want to be as close to that College as possible. What would you suggest as the best college both academically and for sports & music? I looked on the net and they only really have an ERO report for Primary Schools.

Cheers Jasmine Wellington, NZ

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