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Posted by anonymous 17 years ago.

Can a New Zealander start a business in Australia?

Hi, I'm a Kiwi moving to Brisbane and was wondering if I can start my own small domestic cleaning business - or is there some rule forbidding it?

Thanks for any help Don

4 replies, the latest on 08 November 2023.
Reply from little-helper 17 years ago.

You'll find that similar rules to NZ apply - you can start your business so long as you aren't prevented to by bankruptcy laws etc. As a kiwi you'll effectively be treated as an Australian when it comes to starting a business.

Check out this site for more info:

Reply from update2019 6 years ago.

Does this still hold true? Can a new Zealander start a business in aus?

Reply from rare-japan 1 year ago.

Yes, we have started several businesses in Australia as New Zealanders living here on Special Category Visas (SCVs). So long as you are not prohibited by law from starting a business here (typically if you are an undischarged bankrupt etc), then you are ok to register a business.

Here is some general advice from the Australian government about starting a business in Australia as a non-citizen, but it talks about needing to have the right visa - as a New Zealander with an SCV you meet this requirement.

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