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Posted by donnyb 15 years ago.

Can a New Zealand citizen apply for rent assistance in Australia?

Reply from forum moderator about 1 year ago on 6 December 2023.

Some NZ citizens living in Australia on an SCV might be eligible for rent assistance. See the following pages for more information about eligibility:

12 replies, the latest on 20 September 2015.
Reply from anonymous 13 years ago.

I found some info in the sheet above, I think KIWI still be eligible for rent assistance.

It says NZ citizen-

May be eligible for some benefits including: Family Tax Benefit A and B (family allowance), Rent Assistance, Maternity Allowance, Child Care Benefit, Maternity Immunisation Allowance, Low Income Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, Job Match Services and use of Employment Self Help Area.

Reply from wabbajack 13 years ago.

from what friends have told me, you can get these, just not the full entitlement. i think the only thing you cannot get is the work start, and unemployment benefit and sickness type benefit. basically if it invovles you getting money for doing nothing, you wont get it.

Reply from mozziemo 13 years ago.

Nz citizens can get family tax A assistance

Reply from permanent-resident-visa-first 13 years ago.

From the research I have done, you need to apply and get a Permanent Residency Visa before you can get all these benefits. You can do that before you leave through the Australian Consulate. It would be a hard few weeks if you thought you'd automatically qualify so prepare in advance.

Reply from martsmix 12 years ago.

All i needed was my NZ passport. But you cant get all the entitlements, family tax benefit I got. But you need to be citizen if you want the rest. Parenting payment, newstart etc.

Reply from nzer99 12 years ago.

Quite simply no.

Maybe once you become a permanent resident (after living in aus for 2 years) or becoming a citizen

Reply from aussieinnz 12 years ago.

you are entitled to a family tax A and B if you have a child.

Reply from aussieinnz 12 years ago.

my brother has been living in oz for 7 years now he is still not a permanent resident, if you had arrived before feb 2001 then you would of automatically been a permanent resident but after that it just got a bit hard yet in nz an australia citizen only needs to live in nz for 2 years and they are granted with permanent residency.

Reply from bindz 12 years ago.

yes , Kiwis can get rent assistance, i came over in 2004, and received it whilst renting, and my daughters get it, the full rate. but owning a home is different, dont think you then get rent assistance

Reply from atahua 12 years ago.

that is sad how kiwi familys or any race really cant get IE a benefit no matter what it mite be ?? hello but over here in nz any1 can apply for a benefit and get it no matter what it be ?? or who and where they are from.OMG some pep these day,s i see the beauty about nz > ALL FOR 1.1.FOR ALL

Reply from swap 10 years ago.


Reply from mrytle 9 years ago.

Our sons and 6 grandchildren live in Western Australia and have done so for many years, one son is an Australian citizen. My husband has been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. If we move to Australia to be near our family, will we be entitled to Medicare and would this cover the Parkinson's medication?

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