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Posted by abd79 8 years ago.

Best place to live around Melbourne? (Possible relocation from UK).

Hello! We may be looking at a possible relocation to Melbourne with my husband's job. We have three young children and I was just wondering where the best places to live were around Melbourne please? His job looks like it could be in Richmond. We'd like to live about 30 minutes to an hour and a half outside of Richmond and preferably near the coast. Looking for somewhere clean, very safe and coastal, which is great for children. Somewhere perhaps that's on the edge of a big town so we can have a quiet place to live but is a quick drive to everything we need, fun things to do etc. As we have three children and only about a $530,000 budget for a house, we're looking to get the most for our money. Is this all too much of an ask or does anyone know some places that fit? Many thanks:)

1 reply on 23 July 2018.
Reply from mike-s 7 years ago.

Did you guys find a place OK?

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