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Posted by jennifer 13 years ago.

Bad experience with ANZ

Hi there, just wanted to give our experiences with ANZ...

We have had nothing but problems with them. We moved here in September, it took about 8-10 weeks to get our cards, as they "kept getting lost in the post"... no apologies nothing... and of course we had to keep going into the branch, which was a pain, when we needed to get money, as our cards hadnt arrived.

Second problem, we applied for a secondary card on our visa, and I applied for it, and wrote my partners name (we also have a joint account) as "Louis".... the card came in the name of "Louise"!!! I know there are errors, but wouldnt you check and double check. Then we have had trouble with my partner activating his card, the branch keeps telling him that I, as the primary card holder, have to come and activate the card, but when you ring the ANZ, they say, he has to go in and show ID.... frustrating!!

I would not recommend them, we are thinking about moving banks.

5 replies, the latest on 05 July 2014.
Reply from ellwook 13 years ago.

Hi, we had similar problem with Commonwealth Bank, my partner had to have the main cardholder account and we had issues with activating the account. In hindsight it is best to set up initial accounts through your bank in NZ, with their main bank in Aust. You can always move later. Also the credit limit we were given was ludicrous in comparison with what we had in NZ, they treat you with someone with no credit history.

Reply from ellwook 13 years ago.

Hi, we had similar problem with Commonwealth Bank, my partner had to have the main cardholder account and we had issues with activating the account. In hindsight it is best to set up initial accounts through your bank in NZ, with their main bank in Aust. You can always move later. Also the credit limit we were given was ludicrous in comparison with what we had in NZ, they treat you with someone with no credit history.

Reply from deon 13 years ago.

Hi. I have now, 5 months after arriving in Perth just given up and is in the process of closing my bank account. I was a very happy Westpac client in New Zealand, always getting great service and never any issues. I never entered a Westpac branch without being greeted immidiately and the person who greeted me was able to help immidiately me in most cases. With this positive experience in NZ, I applied for a bank account at Westpac in Perth while still in NZ. I should have just decided then to give up as every step of the application was riddled with issues, lost paperwork, incorrect branches and the person who was uppose to help me, going on leave for a month without making sure that someone actions his work. Where is was suppose to take a week at the most, I still had issues with opening and activating the account three months later when we were actually in a branch. This was the first interaction with Westpac and from there is has just gone worse. Every time I have to do something with the bank I know I am about to have issues again. Debit cards? Lost the first batch, second batch the chip did not work and the third batch, my wife's card did not work, although mine did.... after they found it having been sent to an incorrect branch. Credit cards? Declined application as they lost my income evidence and then had a mark against my account as I had an application declined. That finally cleared up, they sent and lost the first batch. Second batch arrived, my wife's cards first, but could not be used as I was the primary card holder. My cards never turned up. Reissued and then sent to the wrong branch and then lost when sent to the correct branch. Wife's cards stopped working after a couple of weeks. Personal loan? Groan. Declined due to record of decline application of credit card. Took 4 weeks to get declined though and seven differnt people to find out why and none who even bothered to call me back. I am trying to close my accounts at the moment, but even that is not easy.
Walked across the street to Commonwealth Bank and immidiately got the service I was used to getting in NZ. The guy even arranaged for everything to be ready for pickup on the Saturday and met us at a brach close to our home. Service has been excellent and everything is working! Westpac should just do us all a favour and close their doors and the bet advise they can give you should be to run and never come back!

Reply from deon 13 years ago.

Sorry for the spelling and bad typing. I get so angry when I have to relive my experience, I just hammer away at the keyboard!

Reply from rebecs 11 years ago.

Hi, my experience is when we moved to NZ. We Banked in Australia with Suncorp for 5 years and never had any issues.

When we arrived we decided we needed an account to deposit our draft cheque which we brought over with us and my husbands parents recommended ANZ Bank. When we arrived the teller was welcoming and kindly referred me to a consultant - Singh I think was her name.

OMG after a 5minutes introduction and telling her we needed only two accounts, she just kept talking about how she can register us on some sort Kiwisaver, and open credit cards and that I should not stop at only two accounts that we needed a separate account for online purchases this went on for at least 45minutes just her speaking that I couldn't even get a chance to say anything.

Me and my husband just wanted to get an account opened to Bank this cheque and being sitting there for some time you tend to just go with the flow as all that was on our minds was to get out but needed an account to deposit this cheque. In the end after we left after deciding on 2 joint accounts we had an extra 5 accounts (4 ind a/c each chq/sav and some sort emergency a/c) Yes believe it or not as well as another booking for c/card application after telling her numerous time we don't need one as she kept saying emergencies and if you don't use it you wont get charge.

We waited until the cheque got cleared which also took 3 weeks that I went into different branch to close all accounts and you wouldn't believe it - even requesting to close my accounts they still tried to sell me stuff. How rude. We have told my husband's parents about our experience and they feel bad for recommending this Bank to us and since they also have moved to Westpac. As for us we closed all accounts and have moved to Kiwi Bank which the experience was sublime and now we are getting a Home Loan from them also. Happy endings

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