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Posted by greenvan 10 years ago.


Is my kiwi saver transferable? If not whats the process?

2 replies, the latest on 24 November 2014.
Reply from flissty 10 years ago.

Suggest you google this very question -lots of answers to it there. Also look at the conditions of whichever Kiwisaver financial institution you are with.

Reply from guddymate 9 years ago.

You have to ring your NZ super provider up and ask them who they can recommend. Each provider has made arrangements with Commonwealth countries to accept foreign supers, though you still have to ring them up and ask them as it is not compulsory for them to accept. Here are a few my super provided me with though a lot of them charge fees and if you do't work they make you get insurance. dot com dot au at the end: christiansuper, firstsuperhome, Emplus, and Lucrf.

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