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Posted by ellend 10 years ago.

Is Stamp Duty Payable On A First Home In Australia?

I am a NZ citizen, been working and living here for the past three years. I recently bought an apartment, and am eligible for the first home owner's grant. However, I have been told that I have to pay the stamp duty. Any answers would be much appreciated. Thank you.

3 replies, the latest on 24 November 2014.
Reply from beetz 10 years ago.

First home buyers are often eligible for a reduction in the stamp duty payable, so long as you might specific criteria (such as living in the home for 12 months continuously, etc).

For Victoria, detailed information is available from the State Revenue Office here:

For other states, this page on the Commonwealth Bank site links to further information:

Reply from johne 10 years ago.


I'm just looking into buying a place in the ACT and I have been told the opposite that I qualify for the stamp duty concession but not for the first home owners grant as I'm not a permanent resident or citizen.

Reply from guddymate 9 years ago.

There are different rules for different cities, most of the time (well in victoria anyway) the first home buyers grant pays for your stamp duty and you will only get it if you build. House and land is the way to go.

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