None (yet)
Posted by penpen 12 years ago.

Is anyone moving from the North Island to Melbourne with a moving company?

Hi, I've got a few quotes from moving companies but considering I only want to move 3 - 4 boxes and 4 bigger items (printer, stereo, chair (that breaks apart) and puzzle), it doesn't seem worth $1900 - $2100 which was the quote.

I live in New Plymouth and my partner is in Geelong (an hour from Melbourne) and I've been left to sort this out so I was wondering if anyone is moving to Melbourne within the next 3 months and is moving a houseload? Would it be possible to put my stuff with yours and I'll pay $500 to get it over there. I am willing to drive almost anywhere in the North Island to drop it off to be moved.

Please contact me on - please, any help would be very very much appreciated!

1 reply on 02 March 2012.
Reply from troy-adamson 12 years ago.

Contact Hookers Moving and Storage or also NZ Vanlines in New Plymouth, Might also be a thought to contact Air New Zealand and see what their options are. I work for one of the major International Removalist Companies in Brisbane, Australia (Ex Naki Boy). Our company have a Branch in Geelong, so might be able to assist this end. Have your quote based on a "Hand Out" at depot Geelong. Cheers Troy

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