None (yet)
Posted by anonymous 13 years ago.

I'm a 12-year-old kid from NZ. Will it be easy for me to move ?

I'm a 12-year-old kid from NZ. Will it be easy for me to move to Australia??

2 replies, the latest on 05 January 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hey there, Are you moving with your family? As long as you are moving with family or have your parent's consent to move (and friends or relatives to live with), then it will be easy to move over.

As you are of school age, you will need to find a new school in Australia to attend and of course, make a completely new bunch of friends! But don't worry, Australians are very friendly and I'm sure you'll have no problems at all.

All the best :)

Reply from anonymous 13 years ago.

yes im moving wif my family thanx 4 saying bout how it will not b 2 bad im not sooooo nervous now

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