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Posted by kiah 16 years ago.

If I have fines in New Zealand, can Centrelink help me pay them? I am a Kiwi who just moved to Australia 2 days ago.

4 replies, the latest on 02 October 2010.
Reply from mayflower 16 years ago.

I imagine you would be best to speak with the court system (or whoever you owe the money to) about how you can repay the money. I know the IRD in NZ has a system where they work with Aussie, but I doubt the court has a reciprocal agreement. If you go to they can make it easier to transfer money back to NZ without huge fees. If you have an account number where you can transfer the money to for your fines and the reference details you would need, then they can help you make the payment to the relevant bank account. Otherwise, you really would need to contact the relevant parties in NZ to arrange payment.

Reply from julie 14 years ago.

i would be interested to know how you got over here when you owe fines in NZ...My understanding is you cant leave the country if you owe the courts money..

Reply from concern 14 years ago.

My brother in law moved over to Australia 2008 and did not pay his traffic fines, which I found out from his wife (my sister) that he cannot go back to NZ because of his overdue fines. It is not that easy to go back if you have not fixed your traffic fines first.

Reply from pommy-maori 14 years ago.

i think that was a sad comment saying to pay your fines before you move, we dont know there circustances, and you earn more in auz so that could be there way of paying it, and yea you can pay from auz back to nz as i did, i paid from my credit card weekly

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