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Posted by romeo 14 years ago.

If I am bankrupt in New Zealand and made bankrupt while living in Australia, can New Zealand deport me or make me pay the debt back?

4 replies, the latest on 10 January 2021.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

Hi romeo,

You are not allowed to leave NZ without permission after being declared bankrupt, so it's possible you may end up with a fine or imprisonment if you go back to New Zealand. However, I have never heard of anyone being deported back to New Zealand for bankruptcy. If you want to find out for sure, you could contact

Reply from vanhelsing 13 years ago.

lf brankrupt Personal how does it effect getting rent /credit does the same rules apply ? our does it mean nothing in Austrlia? lf have a crimainal record in the last year can you get in to austrlia ? how long can you stay in Austrila /an what do you do if you want to say ?

Reply from wayne-lubach 11 years ago.

i live in australia and i am a australian and i am declared bank/r in newzealand can i get credit here in australia

Reply from louisa 3 years ago.

If I moved to Australia will my insolvency from New Zealand be on my credit record in Australia?

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