None (yet)
Posted by dave-smith 16 years ago.

Has anyone had experience taking firearms over to Australia from New Zealand?

I am moving to Australia very soon and have a number of firearms that I do not wish to part with. I understand that Australian firearm laws can be quite strict and wonder if anyone has had experience moving their household over there, along with guns etc? I can leave them here in storage with friends for a little while, but not forever. Any advice would be appreciated.

3 replies, the latest on 05 April 2012.
Reply from kiwifam 16 years ago.

I would also like to know about firearms my husband has a few and they are important to him.Does anyone know what we have to do to get them over to Australia.How does he get an Australiain fire arms licence

Reply from alice 15 years ago.

Pretty much in the process of investigating the same. The Australian Customs and Quarantine website has good links the the current legislation and some PDF's you can download. Not my firearms (my finances) so I have not digested the the whole lot yet.

Our plan is though to check in with the local police station and each large station should have a nominated firearms officer or at least some community liaision who can advise you on the local requirements in terms of licencing and storage.

Please post more if you have discovered more details. Cheers

Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

Have you checked out the information on the Australian Customs website? It seems pretty thorough regarding how to go about importing guns:

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