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Posted by eager-to-move 13 years ago.

Builder Husband going to Sydney - what's the best way to get his tools over there??

Hi All, my husband has a job in Sydney to go to. As said earlier he is a builder and needs to take some of his tools with him. Any suggestions for the easiest way to get his tools across with him would be appreciated.

3 replies, the latest on 13 February 2013.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

How many tools does he have and how much do they weigh? If he needs them urgently he could use a service like UPS. If he is able to wait a 2-3 weeks, it would be cheaper to send them by sea with a company like Crown. Also take a look at services by Pack & Send:

Reply from bob-the-builder 12 years ago.

I used Pack & Send to send my tools to Perth about 12 months ago. They only took about a week on thier air freight service and cost about $800 for a 100Kg tool box. Great people to deal with.

Reply from mel86 11 years ago.

I was just about to post the same question as my partner is a builder and we want to ship his tools to Brisbane - thank you!!

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