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Posted by savvy 14 years ago.

As a NZ citizen, will my kids be considered international students at primary school?

There are domestic and international fees for some primary schools and I was wondering if a NZ citizen studying in primary or high school would be considered an international or domestic student?

2 replies, the latest on 26 April 2012.
Reply from karen 14 years ago.

NZ citizens studying at state primary and high schools are domestic students, and there are no fees. Both my kiwi kids attended primary school in Brissie, and I year of high school. july 2010

Reply from anonymous 12 years ago.

Hi everyone, I also have the same question regarding to my son goes to Primary and/or High school. I heard the policies had been changed since July 2011. After July 2011, non OZ resident, even you are NZ citizen, your kids will be charged as international student fees, Is that true?

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