None (yet)
Posted by concered 12 years ago.

Can I get a 444 visa with a criminal record over 20 years old, from when I was 15!

Looking at moving the family to Australia but have just found out that the above is still on file (I had thought that being a juvenile it would have been cleared). Offence was for theft, I paid a fine and did some community service. Will this prevent me from getting a 444 visa?

4 replies, the latest on 02 June 2013.
Reply from deeman 12 years ago.

Make sure you get this filled in and send it to the Australian Consulate General in Auckland - they will then pass it to the NZ Police .....

Reply from deeman 12 years ago.
Reply from aussie-dreaming 11 years ago.

You will be fine, it's a relatively minor charge.

Reply from dude 11 years ago.

no probs, i get in all the time with a minor charge (fine) which was committed in oz and i'm on a nz passport

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