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Posted by nikau01 12 years ago.

Moving to Melbourne with special needs child?

We are moving to melbourne next year. Our 8 yo Daughter has down syndrome and attends a main stream school with the support of a funded teacher aide. Will she be entitled to something similar under this recipricol agreement between the countries?

1 reply on 19 November 2011.
Reply from griselda 12 years ago.

Hmm I'm not 100% sure on this one. On the one hand Centrelink says that New Zealanders generally cannot claim disability support payments, as you need to be a permanent resident to get these.

However, the NZEmbassy says that these payments might be able to continue with the reciprocal agreement:

I would definitely suggest contacting Centrelink to clarify your daughter's eligibility before making the move.

All the best!

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