None (yet)
Posted by robert 13 years ago.

Applying PR, my age just over 50, what option I have ?

I have just turned 50 years old. I am NZ citizen and want to apply PR in Australia. What option I have? I am an qualified accountant, does my qualification help in applying PR?

2 replies, the latest on 13 June 2013.
Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

If you run your own business in Australia you might be able to get a business visa. However, at 50 years of age you are over the age limit for skilled visas - except if you are able to get a skilled 'regional' visa, in which case the age limit can be waived. I would highly recommend speaking with a migration agent, as they will know more about what options are available to you.

Reply from barossakiwi 11 years ago.

If there's any possible way that 51 yrs of age and above get "PR" please answer this comment thanks warm regards ..

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