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Posted by eddie 13 years ago.

How much cash and worth of gold a permanent resident can take while migrating to Australia?

I am permanently moving to Australia in October with my family, my wife is having some gold jewellery. Just wanted to know how much cash and worth of gold is allowed to bring into Australia, do I need to pay tax on gold.

3 replies, the latest on 19 August 2012.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi there,

You can bring as much cash into Australia as you want, but you need to declare it at Customs on the arrival form if you are bringing in more than A$10,000.

I can't find anything specifically dealing with bringing gold into Australia, so I would suggest contacting Australian Customs to check whether this needs to be declared. There may be import duties to pay.

Reply from helpful 12 years ago.

Just tell your family to wear them all over them. As simple as that. Solved

Reply from litah 12 years ago.

Maybe graciedeska is meaning gold bars/coins etc, not gold as in jewellery "Helpful". =)

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