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Posted by mj 13 years ago.

Is there an age limit for PR in Australia?

2 replies, the latest on 05 October 2014.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Yes for some visas - for example, to be eligible for the skilled migrant visa (one of the most common visas) you need to be under 50 years of age. However, some other visas - like the partner visa - do not have an age limit (although there are health and character requirements).

Reply from sarjy2125 10 years ago.

I been working in Newman W.A. For 3 years as a machinist fitter working in BHP mine site. I am already 51 years of age, Is it possible to apply for permanent residency? Is there any rule that will allow us to apply if working in a remote area like Newman W.A.?

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