None (yet)
Posted by thekayminator 13 years ago.

Can a Dutch-born New Zealand resident apply for any kind of pension if their visas are accepted in Australia?

My Parents are Dutch and are New Zealand residents. My br and I live here, my sister also wants to move with her family but not with my parents. i think they are allowed to move here on that basis from what I understand from the immigration website, otherwise if they became NZ citizens they can move here. But what pension will they receive? My dad is 70 and dependent and mum 63. Will she have to work? Will they be 100% dependant financially on us kids? Will they receive any of their Dutch pension?

1 reply on 21 June 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

There is a social security agreement between the Netherlands and Australia which may make it possible for your parents to go on receiving their Dutch pension in Australia if they get a visa to live here.

You can find the information sheet here:

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