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Posted by kiwi 13 years ago.

What is the start date for share purchase calculation of capital gains tax?

I purchased shares many years ago in NZ as a NZ resident. Then I shifted to Australia and sold them a couple of months later. Is the capital gain calculated from the purchase in NZ or the shift to Australia date? Perhaps the buy and sell are purely NZ tax considerations?

1 reply on 30 July 2011.
Reply from ben 13 years ago.

I had a similar issue to you. It's definitely worth speaking to an accountant but there are at least two things that come into play:

  1. When you move to Australia (become a resident for tax purposes), capital assets are re-valued at the current market value, so any capital gain is measured against that revaluation, not the original acquisition value.

  2. There is a 50% discount on CGT for assets held longer than 12 months.

There are other considerations, such as how you use the proceeds of the sale of the assets, so it is very much worth getting professional advice.

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