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Posted by peanut 13 years ago.

Is giving birth in Australia free for Kiwis? Or do we have to pay?

4 replies, the latest on 06 February 2018.
Reply from peanut
13 years ago.

by that i mean for time spent in hospital for the birth etc, because of the fact that as a kiwi, i wouldnt have permanent residence, i realize that there is birth allwance and family benefit part a and b for which we qualify, but am unsure if to be free would i need to have registered for medicare?? or would this still be a cost ?

Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

You need to be registered for Medicare and then it is free to have pregnancy care and give birth at a public hospital. As Kiwis, as long as we are registered for medicare, then everything is covered going public. There is a great forum about pregnancy and giving birth in Australia that you might find useful to read: Hope that helps!

Reply from mswest 11 years ago.

My family and I are kiwis recently moved permanently to Aussie. We are now planning baby number 2 and I'm wondering if the midwife visits are also free? And epidural if I was to have one in a public hospital? Thanks

Reply from james 6 years ago.

Yes it is free. I was registered with Medicare head a midwife and a c section and was all free. Was also entitled to the baby bonus which was great

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