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Posted by cristina 13 years ago.

Is it best to apply for the subclass 461 visa in Australia or New Zeland?

My husband is already in Australia, so I'm thinking I will apply for a tourist visa here in NZ and then a subclass 461 in Australia. I want to move over as soon as possible so I can avoid paying rental and power bills etc here while my husband is in Australia. But I'm a little bit worried my application will not be granted. By the way, thank you for answering my previous question.

2 replies, the latest on 26 February 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi Cristina, It's best to apply for the 461 visa in New Zealand, seeing you already know that you want to live in Australia permanently. I've that immigration officials don't always like it if you go to Australia on a tourist visa with the full intention of applying for another visa once you are there. However, I would recommend checking this with a migration agent to see if there is an option to apply in Australia somehow, as it sounds like that would suit you best. All the best!

Reply from kiwi-mark 13 years ago.

The best way is to apply in Australia so you will get a bridging visa while they process your application.

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