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Posted by cristina 13 years ago.

Is it difficult for Filipinos to get Australian visas?

I am a New Zealand Resident origanally from the Philippines, I've been here for 2 years now. My husband and my one-year-old baby are also Filipino but they are already New Zealand Citizens. Will it be difficult for me to get a subclass 461 visa even though I am already here in New Zealand? Some people say that if you are from the Philippines it is hard to get a visa?

1 reply on 31 January 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi Cristina, You should be able to get a 461 visa seeing it sounds like you and your husband have been married for a while. The main issue is that the Philippines is considered a high risk country and so the Immigration authorities will be looking for a lot of evidence that your marriage is genuine and not just for the convenience of getting a visa. You will need to show things like joint bills and bank accounts, phone calls, emails and letters and photographs, plus meet the health and character requirements. There is more information here:

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