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Posted by taria 13 years ago.

How do I enter Australia with a criminal record?

What type of criminal records will keep you out of Australia?

3 replies, the latest on 13 May 2019.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi Taria,

Check out this website for what to do if you are looking to enter Australia and have a criminal record:

There is also some interesting info a few questions above yours from a person with a similar experience that you may wish to read.

Reply from teresa 7 years ago.

i have a criminal record from 2004. went to australia on 30th august to visit my sister who is terminally ill. and they REFUSED me a special category visa. spent night in detention centre and was sent home next day. my flight was from wellington but they sent me to auckland.SO having a sick sister is not reason enough to get a special category visa

Reply from stace 5 years ago.

As long as you declare and fill out & send the police check form back to the embassy of australia, you should be fine.

It takes a good 2-3weeks to get an answer. Mine have always been ok as long as i send that form

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