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Posted by gunga 15 years ago.

Can a NZ permanent resident (but not a citizen) get an Australian visa easily if over 45?

2 replies, the latest on 05 November 2009.
Reply from stace 15 years ago.

You do not need a visa, you can jsut rock up. However, if you want to get permanent residency in OZ after four years, not just the residency you are labelled with at the airport, it will be harder because the system is points-based and the older you are the less points you get.

Reply from runone 14 years ago.

No that is a wrong answer the open entry into Oz is for NZ citizens. It is not for NZ permanent residents.

And if you do get your NZ citizenship you can go straight to OZ but if you are over 45 you may get Oz permanent residency if you meet their skills etc reuirements and at a cost of around AUD2,500 but will struggle to qualify for Oz citizenship

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