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Posted by steven 4 years ago.

Is a NZ heavy traffic(truck) licence valid in Australia?

If I have a heavy traffic truck licence in NZ is it OK for me to use it in Australia or do I have to re sit my licence

4 replies, the latest on 05 January 2023.
Reply from dafule 2 years ago.

Just tried to convert to MC in QLD. The TMR also wanted copies of log books. My situation was in the process of getting a support letter from my old military unit at NZDF and that NZDF that didn't use log books, everything changed again and was informed that NZDF has advised Au govt that no one in the NZ military has operated b-trains (which is incorrect) therefore I couldn't use any supporting documentation as it wouldn't be accepted. That was only part of the answer, I think is likely it was felt that we weren't trained properly and requirements are different here in au. So will be plan B or C next

Reply from hc-to-nz-class-5-back-to-mc-in-qld 4 years ago.

in Qld You need to sit a thoery test and convert it over other states have different laws. Class 5 to Hc if you want Mc you need proof like a letter from a nz employer

Reply from shanes 3 years ago.

I have New Zealand Class 2 and 4 Truck license what is involved in transferring to Qld truck license?

Reply from deeno 1 year ago.

I have full nz license that I want to convert to aus but I also have class 2 /4 as well but I have those on hold in nz can I convert those to aus as well now that I'm applying for a driving job here in vic

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