None (yet)
Posted by jonny 6 years ago.

re entry to australia with convictions

i was living in AUS 10 years and got convicted for robbery. it was an 18month suspended sentence(didnt spend a day inside) an no trouble after that. Ive just moved back to nz in april and wanna go back to aus for 6 months to a year or so. I have emailed asking about this and they say fill out character check etc. they said if i just show up to airport without visa and character check they will make decision at border. Does anyone know what my chances would be?If i tick no on the conviction question are they likely to bother checking me out etc?

Would i be better off just saying im on quick holiday and just stay there?

1 reply on 06 September 2018.
Reply from gcm 6 years ago.

Fill out required forms and see. Chances are if you turn up without declaring anything you will most likely be rejected. No jail time is in your favour.

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