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Posted by emma-n 7 years ago.

What are the chances of being able to flat in Australia?

I am planning on moving to Australia early 2018 with my flat mates- one 19 year old female and 4 males ages ranging from 19-24. We all flat together now and are wanting to make the jump over the ditch. Mainly to earn more and also experience living overseas. I was just wondering what the chances are of us getting a flat and what the process would be? My partner and I are planning on moving over first and staying with his family while looking for a place for the 5 us to live, then once we set up they will come through. If you have any tips or advice to share, it would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

2 replies, the latest on 18 October 2017.
Reply from sam-alisha 7 years ago.

It would most likely be easier for you to rent a house, as most flats only have a few rooms, unless that's what you mean by flatting.. Also, a job that you know you'll be staying at, they'll most likely want one of you to at least have a permanent job as well, for stability etc.

Reply from sam-alisha 7 years ago.

It's also probably easier, if you are looking for a job to go through recruitment agencies, as most companies go through them more than they do walk-in applications.

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