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Posted by kim-s 7 years ago.

Can you leave AU for holiday on SCV visa?

I read somewhere that you CAN'T leave Aussie if you are on a Special Category Visa (the one NZers are automatically given), because when you come back (from holiday or whatever) then you need a new visa?? Does this also impact applying to be a permanent resident?

2 replies, the latest on 01 November 2023.
Reply from mon-g 7 years ago.

Hi :) No when you come back into Aussie you just get that same visa again I think!

Reply from rare-japan 6 months ago.

No, this is not true. You can travel overseas and return just like an Australian citizen.

If you are applying to become an Australian citizen after living in Australia for 4 years on an SCV, then you can't be out of Australia for more than 90 days in the 12 months prior to applying.

There's more info about applying to become an Australian citizen as a NZ citizen here.

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