None (yet)
Posted by selwyn 7 years ago.

I have recently completed a two year Certificate in Early Childhood Teaching Level 6

Can i finish my Bachelor of Teaching in Australia or would I need too finish in NZ? Thanks

1 reply on 18 April 2017.
Reply from mars 7 years ago.

Hi there

Depending on the state you are moving to will have different rules. I have a NZ Bachelor of Education with GradDip in Secondary teaching, and was told by a recruitment agency quite recently Queensland only recognises the BEd degree. Currently living in Melbourne, and would have to pay to get my degree assessed by a qualifications authority with no guarantee of it being approved,

Would assume this might be similar for a BTchLn, might pay to check out which institute would have the equivalent and make enquiries. From what I've seen, most primary teachers have a BEd over here, but varies by state. Recruitment agencies may be useful too.

Hope this helps! Good luck :)

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