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Posted by bob 7 years ago.

Leaving new zealand with unpaid loan

I have been working in New Zealand for 1 year and I was on a working visa valid for 30 months. I have an unpaid loan amount for around $50,000 and I left new Zealand 5 months ago and moved to Australia on a working visa. Currently I have lots of expenses and my wife is not working and I can't pay the loan repayments which are around 3000$ /monthly. I have requested from the bank to be on financial hardship but they have refused.

I have 3 questions : 1- if I get a default, does this affect my credit rating in Australia? 2- can they sue me and take me to jail or court if I couldn't pay the loan while I'm in Australia ? 3- Can I travel in and out from Australia without any problems?

2 replies, the latest on 03 November 2020.
Reply from joe-blow 6 years ago.

I’m in the same boat.. just thinking of not paying them at all(already paid a huge intrest) but worried about suing and credit history

Reply from aussie2019 3 years ago.

Hi, just wondering what ended up happening with this, I’m in the same boat now. Did you end up not paying the NZ loan and if so did anything happen?

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