None (yet)
Posted by single-mum-with-australian-dependent-children 8 years ago.

NZ citizen with 3 dependent children who are Australian citizens (born here). Separated from husband. How do I become a citizen?

Arrived in Australia in 2010. Married an Australian citizen in 2013 and we have 3 children who were all born in Australia. My husband and I have just separated and I did not realise that I do not have permanent residency - I actually had no idea that I was on a special visa which is a temporary visa. I have worked, paid tax, bought a house and started up a business with my husband. Do I still need to go through the same process of applying for perm residency first before I can become a citizen as I have lived here for over 6 years now?

1 reply on 06 July 2016.
Reply from adaz 8 years ago.

Yes generally you must be living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for 4 years immediately before applying for citizenship. In addition to this criteria you must be on a permanent visa in the 12 months before applying.

If you visited Australia before 1 September 1994 even for a holiday you might be eligible for a RRV. After a year on this visa you would be eligible to apply for citizenship.

If you were in Australia on 26 February 2001 you would be considered a Protected Special Category Visa holder. A Protected Special Category Visa holder can apply for citizenship without having to have a PR visa first.

There is a new pathway for Kiwis from 1 July 2017. There is some information about this on the Australian Immigration website. It is more expensive than the previous pathways mentioned above.

Contact ozkiwi or iwinaus on Facebook or via their websites for more information and advice.

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