None (yet)
Posted by imperialtech 8 years ago.

Will having a pardon help me get into Australia?

I live in the USA and in 1991 I got arrested for burglary nonviolent when I was 21 and two drug charges in 1991 and 1997. I've been since pardon for these convictions. These charges were done 17- 26 year ago and I now 46 going on 47. I haven't been in any run in the police in 17 years. Will I be able to move to Australia after being pardon for these convictions?

1 reply on 01 June 2016.
Reply from jaycee 8 years ago.

Will be interested to hear any replies you get as I'm in the same boat with about the same amount of time between my last conviction although am slightly younger. I do know that I got denied a holiday 3 years or less after my convictions (4 X burglary, 1 X assault with intent to rob all around the age of 17) and around 10 years after my last conviction I applied again for a holiday and had to get a visa lawyer and visa. The lawyer cost around 5k and took around 1 month to apply. Best of luck, I have just tried to stay away from aus, I even got a British passport from right of abode easier than getting into aus for a holiday!

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