None (yet)
Posted by aucklanderinoz 8 years ago.

Residency or citizenship? Born in Perth, February 1987


I was born in Australia in February 1987 while my parents were temporary residents there. My father was doing his phd then and afterwards returned back to Bangladesh with me along. He could have stayed easily as he had every opportunity to stay there, but he left Australia because he had a great job back home. So I didn't get the citizenship.

However, what I feel is it was only 5 months difference between Australian government banned the rule for by birth citizenship (I guess August 1986), and i must be amongst the very few if not the only one who didn't get Australian citizenship at the end.

Right now I am in New Zealand, have a work permit, working full time. Is there anyway under any special circumstances I might be able to get Australian citizenship or residency or work permit?

Any advice would be incredibly helpful.

thank you everyone.

1 reply on 06 July 2016.
Reply from adaz 8 years ago.

You are an Australian citizen if you lived in Australia for the first 10 years since birth.

If not then you would have to apply for a permanent visa like everyone else.

You would have a right to be in Australia if you have a New Zealander passport.

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