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Posted by mclicence 8 years ago.

How do I get an MC license? I have a Class 5 NZ.

4 replies, the latest on 19 September 2023.
Reply from silvia 8 years ago.

I am in the same boat, I heard that if you get your boss to write you an australian form saying you have been driving Btrains, A trains or HPMV trucks in NZ you can stright test for MC license in any AU province. But not sure how to find that paper.

Other wise you convert to HC and then pay to get exam and road test for MC

Reply from zane 7 years ago.

if you have a class 5 licence you can convert straight to HC With only a 10 Question theory test as there are few road rules over there we do not have here in NZ.

A MC licence can not be obtained by anyone with out a road test towing a rig with 3x loaded trailers with a Qualified instructor. once you attain your certificate you can apply for a MC licence

Reply from hammer 6 years ago.

Who can I talk to in Brisbane about getting my MC license please?

Reply from qtjen 7 months ago.

Because of the weights and dimensions class 5 license is not the same as an MC Oz license which cover road trains etc.

If you have experience with b doubles hit up a heavy traffic training provider to just sit the test and not the whole 3 day courses. Been very annoying finding this out for me as I had MC license moved back to nz then moved back after 8 years now as Oz license has expired for more than 5 years can't get MC back

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