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Posted by license 9 years ago.

Would i still be eligible to drive even though I am a disqualified NZ driver for another 3 months?

I have been disqualified for a further 3 months due to demerit points. Although I'm moving over to Australia, i still have my full drivers license ID with me. Can I still convert my license into an Australian full license and still drive or will it show up as disqualified driver on the Australian computers?

2 replies, the latest on 19 February 2016.
Reply from joey 8 years ago.

How did you get on?? Im in the same boat

Reply from george 8 years ago.

Hey Joey, yeah i went into do a form where they change license over and unfortunately there is a box where it says if your disqualified driver from any other country so dammit i guess i have to wait another 2 months till disqualificationis over =\

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