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Posted by lora 9 years ago.

How do I bring my Dad with me to Australia?

I am married to an Australian citizen, and his parents have moved to australia, we would like to go under the partner visa which I can easily do but I can't leave my Dad on his own for a number of years, I need him to be included in my visa. How do I bring him over at the same time as me?

1 reply on 27 August 2015.
Reply from thomas-naude 9 years ago.

Hi Lora. I brought my mother with me as she was going to be diagnosed with Alzheimers. We had to list her as a dependent and had to show proof that this was the case. We used a lady called Zoey, an Immigration agent in Perth - She charged a bit, but to be honest I couldnt have done it myself.

Good Luck! Thomas

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