None (yet)
Posted by kiwigirl 9 years ago.

What permanent visas can New Zealanders apply for in order to obtain permanent residency?

I moved to Australia a year ago and would like to obtain citizenship but in order to get this i must apply for a permanent residency visa.

1 reply on 24 July 2015.
Reply from sally 9 years ago.

The SCV granted to NZ Citizens is not a Permanent Resident Visa. Therefore, for any NZers who want to get the Aussie Permanent Residency, they must apply for Aussie PR just like any other applicants from other countries. Note also that in order to apply for Australia Citizenship, the applicant must first have Aussie PR, the SCV hold by NZ Citizen is not Aussie PR. So technically, even a NZ SCV holder has been living in Aussie for the last 5 years cannot apply for Aussie Citizenship. In addition, even babies born in Australia by NZ SCV holders are not Aussie Citizen and cannot apply for Aussie Passport. What those babies have will is NZ SCV, just like their parents (unless one of the parents has Aussie PR or Aussie Citizenship).

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