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Posted by hemax 9 years ago.

How do i apply for PR if my skill is not on the skilled visa list?

I am a New Zealand Citizen been living in Melbourne for the past 2 years and work full time as a product manager. I would like to apply for my PR, but my skill is not listed under the skilled visa list. I would like to apply for PR because my partner is on a sub class 461 visa New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship. Is there way of applying and sponsoring her with me?

1 reply on 10 February 2015.
Reply from graciedeska 9 years ago.

There are a bunch of other visas you could look at applying for if you aren't on the Skilled list. However, they tend to be based around having family living in Australia who are Australian citizens (or permanent residents) or being self-funded as a retiree or business investor.

You can get the full list here if you enter a few details like your location and nationality:

The only other option is if you visited or even just passed through Australian Customs en route to elsewhere as a NZ citizen before 1 September 1994. If you did, then you may be eligible for a Resident Return visa.

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