None (yet)
Posted by adam-r 9 years ago.

My 3 y.o is Australian and I'm American on a 457 Visa that is about to expire. What are my options?

I have a 3 y.o. this is an Australian Citizen. I am no long in a relationship with her mother and she currently lives with her mother. I am in Australia currently working under a 457 Skilled Worker Visa that is set to expire in 3 months. Just found out that my employer will not be renewing the visa.

What other Visa options do i have if I am the primary provider for my daughter?? I dont want to separate her from her mother and want to stay and work in Australia so I can be here for her. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


1 reply on 11 November 2015.
Reply from eleanor 8 years ago.

Hello Adam,

You can apply for a student visa which allows you to work 20 hours per week and 40 hours during holiday break.

[Posted edited - promotional link removed]

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