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Posted by on-my-own 9 years ago.

Will I be able to return to my home and job in Australia if I go to NZ for a holiday?

I was recently bankrupted in NZ. I have worked and lived in Australia for 3 years. I have a ticket to go to NZ for Xmas, which was purchased before I was made bankrupt. Will I be stopped from returning to Australia to my home and job?

2 replies, the latest on 10 November 2015.
Reply from pggood 9 years ago.

If you return to NZ you will be prevented from leaving untill the bankrupcy is finalised

Reply from jason 8 years ago.

If you are out of bankruptcy for 3 years you get paper that your bankruptcy is over. Just call bankruptcy for paper that it's over. You just can't get credit another four years. That's all but you can travel after. But call bankruptcy first.

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