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Posted by movingsoon 16 years ago.

My husband is a NZ citizen and I am a NZ resident. What visa do I need to apply for in order to move to Australia?

4 replies, the latest on 18 March 2010.
Reply from vish 16 years ago.

Hi there.. You will need to apply for a New Zealand Family Relationship (Subclass 461) Temporary residence visa to accompany your NZ citizen husband. check this link out on Aus Immigration website - for reqd. info on forms, fees and other relavent information. The visa is valid for 5 years and you will be eligible to apply for a renewal.. processing time can take upto 4 months.. Your husband will have to accompany you on your onward journey from NZ to Australia, and you WILL be required to take Australian private health insurance cover as you will not be eligible for Medicare. Hope this helps.

Reply from nzjono 15 years ago.

My partner and I are in the same situation. It is not difficult and it was processed quickly. Once you have the family visa everything else is easy. I think she had to go in a different line at the airport on arrival though.

Reply from colnsu 14 years ago.

hi my husband is a new zealander, i have new zealand residency if I apply for australian residency will i lose my new zealand residency.

Reply from ninjababe 14 years ago.

what's the cost of this visa

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