None (yet)
Posted by alvin 10 years ago.

Is there a good website to find a job?

2 replies, the latest on 25 July 2015.
Reply from graciedeska 10 years ago.

There are lots of job hunting websites in Australia. The biggest one is Seek:

However, a lot of companies advertise on their own websites, through Twitter & Facebook, or through industry-specific websites (such as these days too.

What jobs are you looking for?

Reply from bambam 9 years ago.


i am planning to go to Australia to have a job experience. I am pretty opened to any work that i can put on my resume. I would love to worke as an Event coordinator or Communication but also in resorts and hotes as receptionist. Which website will you suggest me to find a job over there?

seek. ? Is there any others specifics ones?

thank you very much!

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