None (yet)
Posted by josh-nz 12 years ago.

Does NZ bankruptcy affect permanent residency applications?

My wife and I live in New Zealand. Her business went under several months ago and she was declared bankrupt. My employer also went into liquidation a couple of months later, so now I am also looking for work. I also guaranteed the loan for my wife's business, so it is possible I may be declared bankrupt also, but they are not chasing me at the moment.

We are finding it difficult getting work where we are and want to move to Sydney to start our life over with our children. Our intention is to live in Australia permanently and we would prefer to get Australian permanent residency and ultimately citizenship for both ourselves and our children. Will my wife's bankruptcy or my possible future bankruptcy affect our permanent residency application?

I know that my wife will need permission to move to Australia and that NZ citizens are allowed to reside and work permanently in Australia. However, if we are going to shift permanently to Australia, I would want myself, my wife, and my children to ultimately have the same rights as any other Australian.


2 replies, the latest on 14 June 2013.
Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

Hi there,

At this stage bankruptcy doesn't affect permanent residency applications for Australia. There are no questions about it in the Character or any other section of the application.

It may affect your ability to get credit in Australia, however, so keep that in mind.

Good luck with sorting everything out and making the move!

Reply from anonymous 11 years ago.


I am on work visa in nz and had a bad credit history and my nz residency is ubder processing.

Is it affect my permanent residency applications for New zealand ??


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